Selfie at Marina Beach in Chennai, India during my second term of Yoga Therapy training (January 2023)

Hey there!

My name is Amber (she/her).

I have spent the majority of my life working in the arts as a professional contemporary dance artist, performing, choreographing, producing and teaching dance of which I have 20 years of experience. I bring all of this embodied interest to my work as a facilitator of yoga and in my current studies as a yoga therapist.

I started dabbling with yoga in my 20’s when going to dance class was too physically painful for me. And if I’m being perfectly honest, I was bored as far as my workout routine was concerned. That’s how I came to yoga; in need of a different method of keeping my body fit so I could still do my job as a performer despite the physical, mental, and emotional stress that I was experiencing.

Like so many of us, I burnt myself out. My humble theory is that once our nervous system hits its threshold, we are forever changed. I knew something had to change if I was going to continue in the arts. I tried and for a considerable time succeeded in managing my time and energy. But what I noticed is that I started to enjoy aspects of teaching, mentoring and coaching as much as (and in some cases more)than my creative and performative work.

Me back in my glory days as a dancer. Photo by Chris Barton.

As my 30s came to an end, it became clear to me that I wanted to find a way to help people feel better in their bodies. I kept thinking about all the people I knew and worked with and loved; artists, dancers, performers, choreographers, administrators, managers…all the people in my community that work so hard for so little financial return and in a constant state of vulnerability.

I was actually in a yoga class, moving my arms above my head in Tadasana when a crystal clear voice in my head said, “Maybe it’s this…

Since then, I received my first 200 hr RYT in 2020. This was supplemented with a 30 hr RYT in Yoga Nidra and I recently received my 300 RYT in Yoga for Wellness in 2023. I am currently working towards my certification in 2024 as a yoga therapist from Yoga Therapy International which is an IAYT accredited yoga therapy training program.

My intention is to share what I have been taught as authentically as I can. I acknowledge my privilege of learning and being a facilitator of Yoga. I also acknowledge my privilege of being able bodied and thus am committed to learning how I can adjust and modify movement and poses to bring their benefits to as many people as possible. This, to me, is the heart of the work of yoga therapy and my work as a yoga therapist.

My desire to be of service extends to all bodies of all backgrounds and of all levels. If you are tired of feeling tired, experiencing regular pain and/or soreness from injury or just downright fed up with the ongoing cycle of exhaustion…then I would really like to work with you ❤️


I currently live on the traditional and ancestral lands of the shíshálh Nation (Halfmoon Bay on the Sunshine Coast) and offer the majority of my services online.